How to Create Multiple Accounts with the Same Email Address

If you’ve been trying to obtain another Twitter or Facebook username, you probably know that you are required to associate a different email address for each one you create. Luckily, if you have a Gmail email address, there is a simple workaround to this problem.

Let’s say your Gmail email address is If you add a dot (.) anywhere in the username, all email messages will still reach your inbox. In other words, any of these and other related email addresses will still make it to your account:
  • dronzer.92
  • d.ronzer92
  • dro.nzer92
  • d.r.o.n.z.e.r92
Gmail allows only one registration for any given username. Once you sign up for a username, nobody else can sign up for the same username, regardless of whether it contains extra periods or capital letters; those usernames belong to you. If you created, no one can ever register, or Because Gmail doesn’t recognize dots as characters within usernames, you can add or remove the dots from a Gmail address without changing the actual destination address; they’ll all go to your inbox, and only yours.

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